KCB Weekly News – Sunday 9th August 2020
Ninth Sunday after Trinity
Dear all – it was good (if somewhat strange) to be leading a service at Bradley last Sunday. It was both like and unlike the kind of services that we are used to. It was certainly good to see people in person, whilst maintaining our physical distance of course! See below for details about this Sunday, and the next few weeks.
Remember that this is YOUR parish newsletter, so if you have any news to share or items of interest or encouragement, please contact me by TUESDAY each week.
Resuming Sunday worship – temporary service plan
This Sunday 9th August I will be leading a service of Holy Communion at Kildwick at 11am. The pattern for August is as follows:
09.08.20 | 16.08.20 | 23.08.20 | 30.08.20 | |
Kildwick | HC 11am | Morning Prayer 11am | Private Prayer 2-4pm with EP at 4pm | HC 11am |
Cononley | Private prayer 11 – 12 noon | HC 11am | Private prayer 11 – 12 noon | Lay-led service 11am |
Bradley | MP 9.30am | MP 9.30am | HC 9.30am | MP 9.30am |
Can I remind you please to let me know (by phone or e-mail) if you’re planning to come to any of these services? It will help to have an idea of likely numbers.
Please don’t worry if you don’t feel able to come to a service yet. Particularly if you are in one of the ‘at risk’ categories, it is important that you make your own assessment about what you feel able to do. If you do come to a service, please be aware of the following:
- You will need to wear a face covering, unless you are in an exempted category (generally for a medical reason). This is now officially required under Government regulations, and is primarily about protecting others rather than ourselves.
- You will be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival at church, and again after receiving communion. I will give instructions on how communion will be distributed at the service, and expect to wear some PPE whilst doing so.
- You will be directed to a seat, and the route to take to it.
- The service booklet will be on your seat – please use it during the service, and then leave it in place as you leave.
- There will be no refreshments after the service, and you are asked to leave the building promptly.
- Please be aware of maintaining correct physical distance of 2m from other households on arrival and departure – particularly around the door.
For those not yet able to attend a service in person, Evening Prayer at 4pm will be livestreamed via Facebook.
Zoom coffee – Wednesday 12th August at 10.30am
If you’ve not experienced a Zoom coffee yet, why not give it a go this week? Make a cuppa and sit down at 10.30am on Wednesday for an opportunity to catch up with friends across the parish. Here are the details that you need: Meeting ID: 840 2273 8763 Passcode: 012183. For those of you on e-mail, I’ll also send a link that you can simply click on.
Kildwick church grounds – a message with love from Geraldine Sands
Geraldine has asked me to share this with you. I’ve edited it a bit for space – if you’d like the full message, I can forward it to you by e-mail.
It is nearly 2 years since my lovely mum passed away. She loved coming to church with me at Kildwick, and sometimes also at Bradley which was ‘far more comfortable’.
In the warmer weather one of her joys was to walk through the churchyard at Kildwick, carefully trying not to trip over any uneven stones on the path. She couldn’t walk very far, but as a former keen gardener she loved to look at anything growing in the flowerbeds and the beautiful trees.
In memory of her, and due to the joy that the church green and church grounds have given many villagers whilst taking daily exercise during lockdown, I have decided to pay a local gardener to take the weeds out of the flowerbed along the south side of the church, and make it look beautiful again, so that it frames the south side of our wonderful church building. This will be paid for by some of the legacy that my mum left me. This work will be carried out by Gareth Clarke, a local horticulturalist and landscape gardener, starting this month. The plan is to have a new planting scheme in the south flowerbed by October, including some of the existing shrubs and perennials, and a number of new ones. His brief was year-round interest in the bed and also a few things that will help keep the weeds at bay, such as ground coverers.
The first step will be to remove existing perennials, particularly the ones that have over run the bed, divide them and pot them up. He will replace some after the weeds have been removed, but he thought that people at church may like to take one or two pots for their own gardens where there is too much of a particular plant. He will then get rid of the weeds using a non-toxic weed killer, then enrich the soil and agree a planting plan. Interested members of the congregation are welcome to be involved in agreeing this.
I do hope no-one views this as interfering or ‘taking over’ in any way. It just breaks my heart to see that flower bed look so overgrown and messy and I hope by this time next year we will all get a huge amount of pleasure by seeing a colourful and well-ordered bed. My newly retired husband will help with maintenance, which will be much easier to maintain once it has been sorted out.
Kildwick news – death of Mrs Vicky
I’ve been contacted by Sophie Crowther, daughter of Mrs Zofia Wiktorczyk and known locally as Mrs Vicky. She was married to Dr Vicky, a Crosshills GP until his death in 1969, and lived in Crosshills and Glusburn until 2006. Mrs Vicky died on 19th June at the age of 92. If you would like any more information, let me know and I will forward Sophie’s e-mail to you.
Bible reading notes / Cornerstones Christian bookshop
A message from Jill Wright – The “New Daylight” bible reading notes have not yet arrived at Cornerstone. As soon as they are, I’ll collect them. If you haven’t let me know that you want a set, please can you do so quickly!
As mentioned in this newsletter a couple of weeks ago, very sadly Cornerstone will cease trading from its current premises at the end of September. If you are able to go and visit them before then, they would much appreciate it. Please pray for the trustees and staff as they try to discern what the future might hold for the staff and for the business.
Please pray!
If you have any prayer requests that you would like to share, please let me know (if it’s for another person, please ensure they are happy for the request to be included). This week, please pray for:
- Mary Robinson from St Mary’s, who will be having an operation on skin cancer
- Lendehl, chair of Jigsaw (Kildwick’s CMS mission partner) in the Philippines. He is in hospital as a result of COVID 19. Sue Hargreaves has passed this request on. She says that some people will remember him from a visit to Kildwick some years ago, and describes him as a wonderful servant of God.
- The family and friends of Doug Whitaker from Cononley, whose funeral took place last Monday
- Peter and Lesley Bannister from St Andrew’s, who are moving to Cheltenham this week
- The PCC, meeting via Zoom on Tuesday evening.
With my love, and with every blessing