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Parish Electoral Roll

To be an official member of any Church of England Church you need to be on the Electoral Roll. This is not the one that is completed to vote in General and Local Elections. This is so that you are able to stand for being a member of the church PCC or other official role and being able to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

Below you will find an online Electoral Roll form to fill in.

If you prefer to print out the form please click on the link under this form to download the form. This form can then be printed and signed then either posted or scanned and emailed.

Under the Church Representation Rules, any lay person is entitled to have their name entered on the church electoral roll if they are aged 16 or over and meet all of the applicable requirements.

  1. The only Churches at present in communion with the Church of England are other Anglican Churches and certain foreign Churches.
  2. Membership of the Electoral Roll is also open to members in good standing of a Church not in communion with the Church of England which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity where those members are also prepared to declare themselves to be members of the Church of England.
  3. Every six years a new roll is prepared and those on the previous roll are informed so that they can re-apply. If you are not resident in the parish but were on the roll as a habitual worshipper and have been prevented by sickness or absence or other essential reason from worshipping for the past six months, please ensure you select the appropriate option and then state the reason. (Please note, if you select these options but do not enter a reason your application may be refused)
  4. In this form, “parish” means ecclesiastical parish.
*Your Full Name:
*Email Address:
*Postal Address:
*I am baptised, am a lay person and am aged 16 or over (or become 16* on...      

* Those who become 16 during the next twelve months may complete the form and become eligible to be entered on the roll on their sixteenth birthday.




*I declare that:
(select one option)
 2A. I am a member of the Church of England (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) and am resident in the parish.

 2B. I am a member of the Church of England (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) and, not being resident in the parish, I have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment.
 2B. I am a member of the Church of England (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) and, not being resident in the parish, would have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment but was prevented from doing so because

 2C. I am a member in good standing of a Church (not in communion with the Church of England) which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also declare myself to be a member of the Church of England and I have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment.
 2C. I am a member in good standing of a Church (not in communion with the Church of England) which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and also declare myself to be a member of the Church of England and would have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the period of six months prior to enrolment but was prevented from doing so because


*I declare that the above answers are true and I apply for inclusion on the church electoral roll of the parish.
*Please enter today's date

Additional Information

(This is not part of the statutory application form)

It would be very helpful for pastoral and communication purposes to have your email address and telephone number, although this is optional.

This information, if given, will not appear on the published Electoral Roll. The information will be used only to facilitate communication with you within the Church, for example by your parish priest or bishop, and will not otherwise be shared with third parties.
Email Address:

Use of email addresses and other personal data in the top half of this form

  1. You do not have to provide an email address on this Form. If you do provide one, the Parochial Church Council and the electoral roll officer are entitled to use that email address to communicate with you in connection with the maintenance or revision of the Roll or the preparation of a new Roll or with elections to or membership of the Council.
  2. The Church Representation Rules impose certain requirements for your name and address to be given to a third party, such as the diocesan electoral registration officer, in connection with elections to or membership of a deanery synod, diocesan synod or the House of Laity of the General Synod. If you provide an email address on this Form, it will be given to the third party along with your postal address.
  3. A third party to whom your name and address have been given under the Church Representation Rules is in certain cases required by the Rules to pass them on to another person, such as the presiding officer in a synodical election. If you provide an email address on this Form, that email address will be given to the other person along with your postal address.
  4. Any person to whom your email address or other personal data is given under the Church Representation Rules is required by those Rules to hold the data securely. Furthermore, if you do provide an email address on this Form, that does not give anybody the right to use it for any purpose other than those permitted by the Rules; so it cannot, for example, be used for social matters or fund-raising.
  5. The roll is published after each annual revision and after the preparation of a new roll. The published roll will include your name (as well as the name of every other person on the roll) but none of your other personal data (as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018) will be made public as a result of your inclusion on the roll.

To download this form to print and fill in with pen please use the link below.

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

A warm welcome to our parish!

We have lots going on, with many different ways to get involved with church life. If you’re new, come to one of our services where you can meet a few friendly faces and find out more about us.

You may also choose to sign up for our weekly email newsletter, (see here), which provides useful information about what’s going on as well as church family news. But don’t worry, we won’t spam your inbox! 

Finding a new church can be hard, and we want to help any way we can. If you are looking for a new church home, we thought you’d want to know what we are all about.

We believe God’s mission for us is to be “Sharing, Caring, Growing in Christ.” And how doing that we grow in LOVE toward God and neighbour.

In Christ

Even though it is at the end of our mission statement, the words “In Christ” encapsulates the starting point as our lives as Christians. Everything begins with our relationship with God, in Christ, as we grow, care, and share, loving our God by loving our neighbour.


We believe your journey of faith is one of constant growth. We learn more about God and our faith as we study God’s truth given to us in the Bible. God loves us too much to be done developing us into the disciples He wants us to be, and so we continue to seek to grow in what it means to be His followers.


A Christian life is one of caring for each other. We share the love and joy we receive from God by caring for them. Jesus first showed that care for us by his death on the cross and the forgiveness he delivers. We, then, get to live that our in our lives by caring and serving our neighbours.


What an opportunity God gives us, to share the good news of what Jesus has done for us. Now, more than ever, this world needs to hear the message of a God who loves them, who died for them, who hears their prayers, and who promises to be with them always. As His disciples, we get to be the ones to share that message of hope, love, and peace. 

Getting Connected

Small Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the month, some afternoons and some evenings. We can put you in touch with a small group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. 


The Vicar

Rev'd Mike Green    
Mike has been vicar of the parish since 2022. Having originally trained as an Engineer, Mike retrained as a priest at St Mellitus in Liverpool.    

We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.

Best Wishes

Revd Mike