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Kildwick's Bells 


The bells at St. Andrew's were cast by Taylor's during one of their halcyon periods, specifically in 1914. They constitute a 15 cwt ring of eight, mounted on a standard Taylor's low-sided cast iron frame with Hastings stays. The inscriptions on the middle six bells include facsimiles of those on the preceding six bells, which were cast in 1780.

No. Weight Frequency Note Diameter
1 3-2-0 1416.0 F 25.00″
2 3-3-23 1335.0 E 26.00″
3 4-1-23 1189.0 D 28.00″
4 5-1-13 1062.0 C 30.38″
5 6-3-22 944.0 B♭ 33.38″
6 8-1-9 890.0 A 35.25″
7 10-2-1 794.0 G 38.88″
8 15-1-18 708.0 F 44.13″

We are among the few remaining towers (six as of the last count) that utilize a complete set of Yorkshire tail-ends. These tail-ends resemble a short and thin additional sallie at the end, as opposed to the more common looped-back rope. We take pride in our tail-ends and maintain them for historical purposes, despite the additional costs and the necessity for a substantial stock of boxes to accommodate ringers of various shapes. Nevertheless, we find that they are no more challenging to ring with than standard tail-ends.

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Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

A warm welcome to our parish!

We have lots going on, with many different ways to get involved with church life. If you’re new, come to one of our services where you can meet a few friendly faces and find out more about us.

You may also choose to sign up for our weekly email newsletter, (see here), which provides useful information about what’s going on as well as church family news. But don’t worry, we won’t spam your inbox! 

Finding a new church can be hard, and we want to help any way we can. If you are looking for a new church home, we thought you’d want to know what we are all about.

We believe God’s mission for us is to be “Sharing, Caring, Growing in Christ.” And how doing that we grow in LOVE toward God and neighbour.

In Christ

Even though it is at the end of our mission statement, the words “In Christ” encapsulates the starting point as our lives as Christians. Everything begins with our relationship with God, in Christ, as we grow, care, and share, loving our God by loving our neighbour.


We believe your journey of faith is one of constant growth. We learn more about God and our faith as we study God’s truth given to us in the Bible. God loves us too much to be done developing us into the disciples He wants us to be, and so we continue to seek to grow in what it means to be His followers.


A Christian life is one of caring for each other. We share the love and joy we receive from God by caring for them. Jesus first showed that care for us by his death on the cross and the forgiveness he delivers. We, then, get to live that our in our lives by caring and serving our neighbours.


What an opportunity God gives us, to share the good news of what Jesus has done for us. Now, more than ever, this world needs to hear the message of a God who loves them, who died for them, who hears their prayers, and who promises to be with them always. As His disciples, we get to be the ones to share that message of hope, love, and peace. 

Getting Connected

Small Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the month, some afternoons and some evenings. We can put you in touch with a small group leader who will be more than happy to invite you along to their group.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. 


The Vicar

Rev'd Mike Green    
Mike has been vicar of the parish since 2022. Having originally trained as an Engineer, Mike retrained as a priest at St Mellitus in Liverpool.    

We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.

Best Wishes

Revd Mike