KCB Weekly News – Sunday 16th August 2020

Tenth Sunday after Trinity

Dear all – last Sunday I led a service of Holy Communion at Kildwick; as at Bradley the week before, it was both great to see people in person, and strange to have to do things differently to how we’re used to them. This week I will be at Cononley for the first time since March; see below for more information.

Remember that this is YOUR parish newsletter, so if you have any news to share or items of interest or encouragement, please contact me by TUESDAY each week.

Resuming Sunday worship – temporary service plan

Here’s a reminder of what’s happening across our churches for the rest of August:

  16.08.20 23.08.20 30.08.20
Kildwick Morning Prayer at 11am PP 2-4pm with Evening Prayer at 4pm Holy Communion 11am
Cononley Holy Communion 11am Private prayer 11 – 12 noon Lay-led service 11am
Bradley Morning Prayer 9.30am Holy Communion 9.30am Morning Prayer 9.30am

If you are planning on attending the service at Kildwick this Sunday, can you please let June Whitaker know via the contact page?

If you’re planning on coming to Cononley, please let me know (by phone or e-mail).

As this will be the first service at Cononley for over 4 months, I’m going to repeat the guidance from the last couple of weeks. Please don’t worry if you don’t feel able to come to a service yet. Particularly if you are in one of the ‘at risk’ categories, it is important that you make your own assessment about what you feel able to do. If you do come to a service, please be aware of the following:

  • You will need to wear a face covering, unless you are in an exempted category (generally for a medical reason). This is now officially required under Government regulations, and is primarily about protecting others rather than ourselves.
  • You will be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival at church, and again after receiving communion. I will give instructions on how communion will be distributed at the service, and I will wear some PPE whilst doing so.
  • You will be directed to a seat, and the route to take to it.
  • The service booklet will be on your seat – please use it during the service, and then leave it in place as you leave.
  • There will be no refreshments after the service, and you are asked to leave the building promptly.
  • Please be aware of maintaining correct physical distance of 2m from other households on arrival and departure – particularly around the door.

For those not yet able to attend a service in person, Evening Prayer at 4pm will be livestreamed via Facebook.

Kildwick and Farnhill Calendar 2021

A message from Graham Taylor. If you’d like a copy, he can be contacted via the contact page:

I’ve just taken delivery of the 2021 Kildwick and Farnhill Village calendar and I’m taking advance requests for copies before they go on general sale later this month.  The price will be £6.50 each (unchanged from last year).

Please let me know if you would like copies and, if so, how many.  All profit will go to funding the Kildwick and Farnhill Village Institute which, as you might imagine, has suffered financially as a result of being closed during the Coronavirus pandemic.  So any purchase you are able to make will be very much appreciated.

Please pray!
If you have any prayer requests that you would like to share, please let me know (if it’s for another person, please ensure they are happy for the request to be included). This week, please pray for:

  • Margaret Lund from St Andrew’s – Margaret has recently been looked after in Craven Nursing Home, but has been taken to Airedale hospital, and would appreciate our prayers.
  • Glyn Evans from St Andrew’s – has also recently been in Airedale.

With my love, and with every blessing