Roof/Slate Appeal

The first phase of the roof repairs has now been completed. This means that the roof in the nave and some of the chancel has been repaired and the netting has been removed. This is all thanks to your generous donations.

The next phase is to finish removing the netting in the chancel, and we hope this will happen in 2025.

Once that has been complete phases 3 & 4 are to repair the roof in the North and South Aisles as well as repairing the gutters and downpipes outside.

Once we have completed all of the repairs, we will make something to be displayed in the church with all of the names of donors displayed on it, with their messages as well.

If you would like to make a donation to help us finish the restoration of the roof, please use the form below.

Please include any message or dedication for your donation in the ‘Add Message’ section below.

Please do ensure you Gift Aid your donation if at all possible.