KCB Weekly news – Sunday 28th June 2020

Third Sunday after Trinity

Dear all – KCB PCC has decided to produce a weekly newsletter to keep everyone in our 3 churches informed about what’s going on and in touch with each other. The plan is that this newsletter will be finalized by Thursday each week for the following Sunday. It will be distributed by e-mail, available on the KCB Churches website and delivered/posted to those whose addresses I have as needing hard copy because they don’t have access to the internet. If you have anything for inclusion that you think would be helpful, or of interest or encouragement to other people in any of our 3 churches and across the parish, please ring me or send an e-mail.

Re-opening church buildings

The government has given permission for church buildings to be open for private prayer, and now also from 4th July for regular worship – although we still await guidance on practicalities. This is permission, not compulsion!  A PCC working group has been formed to think through all the issues involved in reopening our buildings. We are carrying out the required COVID-19 risk assessments, which will inform our planning. At present we are hoping on Sunday 12th July to open St Mary’s 9.30am to 10.30am, and to open St Andrew’s for a period in the afternoon. The plans for St John’s remain to be confirmed. This will be for the purpose of private prayer. Once the plans are in place, we will publicise them via this newsletter, the Craven Herald, the website and social media. Watch this space for more information!

Sunday worship (and prayer during the week)

Just a reminder that for June I prepared a service booklet for use on Sundays. This can be accessed via the website; hard copies were posted to those without internet access. I am doing the same for July – they should be ready to go out next Wednesday (1st July). You’re encouraged to use them at 10am on Sunday if possible, so that we know that we’re gathered in spirit if not in body – but if you can’t, you can always use it at a time that suits you, knowing that we’re sharing in the same readings and prayers. For those who have internet access, you can join me at 10am via Facebook livestream on the KCB Parish page (you don’t have to be a Facebook member to see the service).

I also lead Morning Prayer (MP) and Evening Prayer (EP) via Facebook livestream Monday to Thursday, 9am and 4.30pm.

Preparing for the future

Although the most stringent regulations are beginning to be eased, it’s likely that it’s going to take a long time for life, including church life, to get back to anything like it was before the lockdown. Bishop Nick has encouraged clergy and lay people to undertake the following exercise: take a side of A4, divide it into four boxes and scribble in each box respectively your thoughts about the following:

  • what have I/we lost during the lockdown that must remain lost?
  • what has been lost in the last few months that we must regain in the weeks and months ahead?
  • what has been gained in the last few months that must now be retained or developed?
  • what has been gained that was fine for the season but can now be lost?

I’m going to be reflecting on these questions at a Zoom clergy study day on Tuesday 30th June. I’d love your input – if you have time to spend a few minutes carrying out this exercise and can share the fruits of it with me, please do so (even if it’s after Tuesday).

Prayer requests

A couple of people have said that they miss knowing specific things or people to pray for in the parish. If you would like a prayer request included in this weekly newsletter, please ring or e-mail me. If you’re asking for prayer for someone other than yourself, please check that they’re happy for their name to be included.

A message from Jill Wright – BRF notes

As you may know, I usually collect the BRF notes that a few members of the congregation
use.  I need to know who wants them in order to send them out, so please can people either email or ring me If they want a copy?  I’ll will then order the right number and send them out.  I need to let Cornerstone know if we need to alter the usual number.

Julie’s holiday

My original plans (made last year) to go away for a fortnight from this Friday have had to be altered! I’ll be taking a break at home starting on Friday 3rd July, returning to work on Saturday 11th July, and so I won’t be leading a service on Sunday 5th July, or MP or EP that week. I’m also hoping to take a week off from Friday 25th September.

With every blessing