KCB Weekly News – Sunday 2nd August 2020
Eighth Sunday after Trinity
Dear all – I enjoyed a Zoom coffee this week with Lorna from Kildwick! A couple of other people indicated that they would have liked to come but were busy elsewhere, so there’ll be another chance to join me on Wednesday 12th August at 10.30am. The meeting ID is 840 2273 8763 and pass code is 012183. I’ll send a link by e-mail nearer the time.
Remember that this is YOUR parish newsletter, so if you have any news to share or items of interest or encouragement, please contact me by TUESDAY each week.
Re-opening church buildings for Sunday worship
A reminder that we are taking our first steps back into public worship, starting this Sunday. Over the next 3 weeks, the services (all Holy Communion) will be:
- Sunday 2nd August 9.30am – Bradley
- Sunday 9th August 11am – Kildwick
- Sunday 16th August – Cononley
Can I remind you please to let me know (by phone or e-mail) if you’re planning to come to any of these services? It will help to have an idea of likely numbers.
Please don’t worry if you don’t feel able to come to a service yet. Particularly if you are in one of the ‘at risk’ categories, it is important that you make your own assessment about what you feel able to do. If you do come to a service, please be aware of the following:
- You are strongly advised to wear a face covering, unless you are exempted for medical or similar reasons. This is primarily about protecting others rather than ourselves.
- You will be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival at church, and again prior to receiving communion. I will give instructions on how communion will be distributed at the service, and expect to wear some PPE whilst doing so.
- You will be directed to a seat, and the route to take to it.
- The service booklet will be on your seat – please use it during the service, and then leave it in place as you leave.
- There will be no refreshments after the service, and you are asked to leave the building promptly.
- Please be aware of maintaining correct physical distance of 2m from other households on arrival and departure – particularly around the door.
At the moment, I expect there to be a Service of the Word at Bradley next Sunday at 9.30am – please see next week’s newsletter for confirmation.
For those not yet able to attend a service in person, for the time being I will continue to livestream via Facebook each Sunday. Instead of Morning Prayer at 10am, it will be Evening Prayer at 4pm. The liturgy is available from the website (hard copies posted to those who don’t have access). We are thinking about what we can continue to offer virtually in the future, and will keep you informed of any plans.
Sudan emergency appeal
The diocese of Sudan has been a link diocese (formerly with the historic diocese of Bradford) for about 40 years. The fragile country has been further hit hard by coronavirus, and food shortages are a reality. I include a letter from Bishop Nick which contains details about how to make a special financial donation if you’re able (PCC members have been asked to consider authorising a gift on behalf of each of the 3 churches too).
Private prayer in church buildings
This Sunday, St John’s will open for private prayer between 11am and 12 noon, and St Andrew’s between 2pm and 4pm.
Please pray!
If you have any prayer requests that you would like to share, please let me know (if it’s for another person, please ensure they are happy for the request to be included). Robert Holland from Cononley asks us to pray for pupils at South Craven (and other local schools) who will shortly be receiving their A level and GCSE results. Pray for those whose results are good, and those who are disappointed; for their families, and for their teachers. We continue to pray for those from Kildwick who’ve recently moved (Sylvia A and Edward), and for Peter and Lesley Bannister who are keeping their fingers crossed for their move in August.
With my love, and with every blessing